March 20, 2019


No good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit.

Luke 6:43-44a

A word for the starting of spring, a fresh new season. In Luke 6:43-45, we are told that we are known by our fruits. We often don’t think of what we say and do or our actions as fruit, but they are, just as much as our good deeds. John 15:5 tells us that those who abide in Jesus will bear fruit much fruit. I guess one of the greatest ways to be fruitful is follow the greatest commandment, which we can find in Mark 12:30-31. First we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and with all of our strength. Second, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. If we do this, we will surely bear good fruit. Let’s all start off this new spring planning to grow good fruit. God bless you all.

Ronnie Isley

Brick Church

Our congregation was founded in central North Carolina over 275 years ago by immigrants from Germany. Since then faithful people have been gathering here to worship and glorify God. Thanks for visiting our website, and we hope you’ll visit Brick Church this Sunday.
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