Children are not distractions from more important work. They are the most important work
C.S. Lewis
In last Sunday’s sermon I shared a poem and a quote that seemed to resonate with many people (If you missed the sermon, I have copied them below). They both pertained to one of struggles that many parents and guardians face when it comes to raising children, and that is not making other, less-important things a priority. My point was that just as we sometimes treat children as an interruption, we treat certain kinds of people as an interruption, which Jesus did not do to the “unclean” woman who came to him for healing. You may recall that after reading these things I made the comment that they could certainly be re-written to remind us of the importance of prioritizing lost people and not considering them an interruption or a distraction. Well, I think we ought to do exactly that, so I’ve taken the liberty of re-writing the quote from C.S. Lewis (see the image of this post).
I want to see what you all can do with the other one:
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up we’ve learned to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I’ll play with my children cause children don’t keep.
What do you as an individual or we as a faith community prioritize over the proclamation of the Gospel? I think reflecting on this will help us direct our time and energy toward the things that matter most. Remember to be constructive! Let’s get those creative juices flowing! Post in the comments section below.