Sunday School
Brick offers several adult opportunities for learning about God's word on Sunday mornings.
Adult Bible Study
All adults are invited to join Bible study in exploring and discussing Biblical texts and their meaning for our lives. Led by Pastor Geoff, the study provides thought-provoking discussion and fellowship. This group meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Building.
Helping Hands
Helping Hands is the women's group of Brick Church. Their constant dedication to Brick Church and the community keeps them very busy. The women’s community outreach includes catering for local organizations such as the Lions Club and Civitan Groups and providing opportunities for area mission groups. Other events include:
Valentine’s Dinner: Funds go to the Fellowship building fund and to support the Helping Hands outreach
Mother’s Day Brunch: A special event for women of the community with food, entertainment and fellowship. Canned Food is collected for the Blessings Box.
Senior Lunch: Fellowship and lunch provided to all who can join us, every 4th Tuesday during most of the year.